Welcome to the FALL Volleyball Registration with Oak Hills Youth Athletics!




OHYA is offering this league through Cincinnati Premier Youth Volleyball League.  You can learn more about the league at this link -  http://www.cpyvl.com/.  All information below is for girls and boys teams for Fall.


  • 10 match schedule  (SOME TRAVEL to games OUTSIDE of OHLSD WILL BE REQUIRED)
  • Mid-August - Team Formations - email will be sent with details.
  • August 23rd- opening weekend for game.
  • October 6th- Regular season ends
  • October 11th-13th- Post season single elimination tournament 
  • GIRLS Divisions - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades recreational. 4th, 5th and 6th Athletic Divisions.
  • BOYS Divisions - 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, and 7th/8th grades combined. (Recreational leagues only)
  • Cost  - $105

Based on the growth of the league and how many communities join, CPYVL feels they will be able to offer "pod scheduling" for recreational teams. This means that you will not have to travel from one side of town to the other for a recreational volleyball game. You will play teams within a roughly 10-60 mile radius of your community. Athletic teams will travel around the city.




Recreational Team Placement - In person team formations are NOT being held for Recreational teams.  Your daughter will be placed on a team by the coordinators and there is no need to attend a tryout unless you would like your daughter to be considered for one of the Select teams.  see below


GIRLS Select Team Tryouts - OHYA volleyball will be having a select team for 4th grade and for 5th and 6th grade individually.  Ten girls will be placed on each team and they will play in the more advanced skills bracket. Date(s), time and gym are yet to be determined. Information on tryouts will be emailed to you and posted on the OHYA volleyball webpage. **Please note, select practices and games are mandatory. If you feel your daughter cannot commit, please consider the recreational team.**


Dates, time and Gym are yet to be determinedInformation on tryouts will be emailed to you and posted on the OHYA volleyball webpage



The league will be offering combined 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grade BOYS recreational teams.  The league will be allowing organizations to form combined boys teams if there are not enough OHYA players to form a team.

*Note - A transaction fee of 2.85% + $1.00 will be assessed on the registration fee.  If you request a refund the processing fee will NOT be reimbursed.




If any part of the season for which you are registering is canceled or shortened for any reason, you may be eligible for a refund as circumstances warrant.  If it is determined by OHYA that all or a portion of the registration fee will be subject to a refund, the amount to be refunded will be the amount of the registration fee paid, minus any expenses, fees, or other costs already incurred, committed, or otherwise paid by OHYA, as of the date the season is canceled or shortened.