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2024 Golf Outing - August 10th

The 2024 OHYA Golf Outing on 8/10 will sell out. Register asap to guarantee your foursome.  Please contact Bruce Jones or 513-240-7837 for sponsorship opportunities.   

The Registration "OHYA Golf Outing" is not currently available.

We are excited to bring back the OHYA Golf Outing which includes 18 holes on a fantastic golf course, GPS on your golf cart, beverages and an incredible dinner, prizes, contests and a total blast with your Oak Hills community.  The beverages will be flowing, the hospitality will be unparalleled, and plenty of raffle items.  We have tremendous community partners for this event, which allows us to give you way more than anyone else could give you for only $125/golfer**. 


Aston Oaks
2:00 Tee Time
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Beverages Included
Lunch  *  Dinner   *  Dessert
Prizes  *  Contests  *  Raffle Baskets
$5.00 worth of Raffle Tickets given to each golfer at check in


Multi-Level Sponsorships are available, please contact Bruce Jones at or 513-240-7837.


**A processing fee of 2.85% + $1.00 will be added to this order at checkout.


Sponsorships are a key component to our organization. Oak Hills Youth Athletics strive to keep costs manageable for the Oak Hills community. With your support and sponsorship donations we are able to make this happen!


Round of Golf for 4

1 hole sponsorship sign

1 key component sponsorship.

    Ex. Beverage Sponsorship 

    (“Beverage’s courtesy of…”)



1 hole sponsorship sign

Sponsorship placement 
 Lunch, Dessert or Contest



1 hole sponsorship sign



**New Sponsorship Option**


 A course sign with a personal message to your favorite golfer!

Such as your significant other, friend, your kids favorite coach…etc.
This is a FUN way to tell someone Good Luck! Or make them laugh with an inside joke!